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Community College

Drilldown by District


Community college enrollment disaggregated by race/ethnicity.


The percentage of first-time students with minimum of 6 units earned who attempted any Math or English in the first three years and achieved any of the following outcomes within six years of entry:
• Earned AA/AS or credit Certificate (Chancellor’s Office approved)
• Transfer to four-year institution (students shown to have enrolled at any four-year institution of
higher education after enrolling at a CCC)
• Achieved “Transfer Prepared” (student successfully completed 60 UC/CSU transferable units with a GPA >= 2.0)

Remedial Progress Rate

The percentage of credit bearing students who attempted a course designated at “levels below transfer” as their first course in:
• Math and successfully completed a college-level course in Math within six years.
• English and successfully completed a college-level course in English within six years.

Did Young Men of Color Persist?

The percentage of first-time students with a minimum of 6 units earned who attempted any Math or English course in the first three years. Within the first three years, students must be enrolled in consecutive primary semester terms (or four quarter terms) anywhere in the CCC system.
Data Element Dictionary