Identifying High Performance in California and Texas

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Achievement Snapshot

These figures show to the percentage of students who met or exceeded the standard in the last two years. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data.
These figures show to the percentage of students who met the advanced standard in the last two years. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data.

CI = 95% Confidence Interval

How Does Your School Compare?

You can see the selected school's level of achievement and equity compared to other schools that serve students at similar grade and poverty levels. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data.

Achievement Disaggregated by Subgroup

These figures show to the percentage of students from various socioeconomic backgrounds who met or exceeded the standard. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data.
These figures show to the percentage of students from various socioeconomic backgrounds who met the advanced standard. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data.

CI = 95% Confidence Interval

Comparisons Between Disadvantaged and Non-Disadvantaged Subgroups

We directly compared achievement rates between ethnic minority students and White students as well as between students who were socioeconomically disadvantaged vs. those who were not. Green boxes denote significantly better performance and red boxes denote significantly worse performance by students from the disadvantaged group.

*Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data.

*p < .05 in z-tests for difference between group proportions.


Educational Results Partnership’s (ERP) Honor Roll program, is part of a national effort to identify higher-performing schools and districts that are improving student outcomes. The Honor Roll is the only school recognition program in the state using exclusively student achievement outcomes as the criteria and the only award given in collaboration with business leaders. Honor Roll is a growing resource for all schools to learn about best practices that increase student achievement.

ERP Honor Roll utilizes public school student achievement data to identify and recognize successful schools, districts, and charter management organizations. Schools that receive the ERP Honor Roll distinction have demonstrated consistently high levels of student academic achievement, improvement in achievement levels over time, and a reduction in achievement gaps among student populations.

Interested in how the data is calculated? Click here to learn more on methodologies.
In collaboration with Educational Results Partnership (ERP), the Institute for Productivity in Education presents the Texas Honor Roll. Honor Roll recognizes public schools for demonstrating consistently higher levels of student academic achievement, improvement over time, and reduction in achievement gaps among ethnic minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Honor Roll is the only school recognition program in the state using only student achievement outcomes as the criteria. For high schools, Honor Roll recognition also includes college and career readiness measures. The Honor Roll also recognizes higher-performing, higher-poverty school districts and charter management organizations. Honor Roll schools with higher performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) are recognized with a special STEM designation. To identify Honor Roll schools, ERP uses the largest longitudinally-linked system of data in the country.

Interested in how the data is calculated? Click here to learn more on methodologies.

What is Star, Scholar, and STEM?

Hover over the nodes to explore how the Honor Roll categorizes achievement and click to zoom into the connections.

Honor Roll Districts

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